Just as the ebook is available from various digital retailers to be suitable for all of the major types of e-readers, the paperback is also on sale from different sites such as Amazon and www.bookdepository.com and it is worth shopping around as you can often find it at cheaper prices on one site or another, and it is usually available with free shipping. Currently, Book Depository is the cheapest source I have found.
One thing to watch out for is that you shouldn't worry if there is a note on the site saying that it is "out of print" or "not currently available". With it being a book from a new author, Voyager are making it available as print-on-demand and there is an anomaly in some of the systems that lists it with these misleading comments. All that it means is that when you order it, your copy will be printed and posted specifically for you… and so you will have a very personal copy!